Mukogingivaalkirurgia, igemetaandumise korrigeerimiseks

Mucogingival surgery

This includes procedures that are intended for correcting traumatic receding of gums caused by too intensive brushing of teeth. Indications of surgery are:

  • Aesthetics,
  • Teeth are very sensitive following receding of gums,
  • Cleaning of teeth is difficult and this situation causes gingival inflammation in the area.

After a surgical procedure, wounds are more or less sensitive. The initial healing of wounds occurs in the first weeks after the surgery. During this period, brushing and flossing of this region must be avoided until the stitches are removed and the wound has healed. During this time, the rest of the oral cavity must be cleaned thoroughly as usual. To clean the operated area, mouthwash containing chlorhexidine must be used. Depending on the complexity of the procedure, the patient has to take painkillers or antibiotics after the procedure. Following this surgical treatment, the gums need at least 9–12 months for complete maturation. Orthodontic and prosthetic treatment may be initiated during this time but placing final prosthesis must not be performed before the gums have completely healed. Otherwise, a situation may occur where the gums may continue modelling, resulting in exposure of the edges of the placed prostheses.

General instructions, after oral surgery

Since there is a risk of bleeding for a week after the surgical intervention, avoid or at least reduce the following during this time:

  • Physical exertion (lifting weights, bending forward).
  • Visiting a sauna, taking a bath and using a tanning bed, sunbathing, rehabilitation procedures, air travel, long journeys by car.
  • Avoid blowing your nose if the doctor said that there was an opening between the oral cavity and the sinus.
  • Do not touch the wound with your finger, tongue or any object, do not suck on the wound. Do not put powders, tablets, drops (propolis, tea tree oil) on the wound as this may cause inflammation and bleeding.
  • Chew with the other side of the mouth for a few days. Food should be rich in protein, vitamins and minerals and soft, lukewarm or cool. Avoid foods rich in carbohydrates. Harder foods can be eaten when eating them does not cause pain.
  • Blood may seep from the wound area for 3–4 days after the operation. The wound will usually start bleeding more 2–3 hours after surgery, as anaesthesia wears off. If bleeding persists, place a sterile gauze swab on the wound for 30 minutes and press the jaws firmly together.
  • Keeping an ice pack on the cheek area may reduce swelling.
  • Under no circumstances should warm, moist compresses (chamomile, vodka compresses, etc.) be applied to the facial area, as this can cause bleeding and severe swelling.
Treatment of periodontitis