Booking appointment | Sakala Hambaravi

Booking appointment

Due to extended waiting lists, we are currently not accepting new patients under the age of 19 years. Sorry for the inconvenience! Free-of-charge dental appointments for children under 19 years of age who are insured by the Health Insurance Fund can only be booked by phone, calling 5335 99 66. The visit fee for children is €5.

If it is not possible to book an appointment online for the doctor of your choice, please call our reception at 5335 99 66 to find a suitable time for an appointment.

  • A visit fee of €10 is added to each invoice issued by Sakala Hambaravi.
  • Please book your appointments online responsibly and only if you are certain that you will attend the appointment. Sakala Hambaravi reserves the right to charge patients a treatment continuation fee of €50 if the patient does not attend the first appointment they have booked. A treatment continuation fee of €50 also applies to patients who have repeatedly cancelled their appointment without prior notice.
Organize a visit

Broneerimisega seoses palun pane tähele

Kui soovitud arstile vabu aegu pole võimalik broneerida, siis palun helistage sobiva kliiniku registratuuri numbril aja leidmiseks. Samale päevale võib raviaja saada ainult läbi registratuuri, kui mõni patsient on enda raviajast loobunud.

Broneeringu tühistamiseks võta meiega ühendust vähemalt 24 tundi enne kokkulepitud raviaega.

Esmaspäevast reedeni kell 08.00 – 17.00. Muul ajal vastava kliiniku e-maili teel.

Visiidiaja broneerimisega annan Sakala Hambaravile nõusoleku enda poolt edastatud isikuandmete töötlemiseks ja nõustun kliiniku teenuste ülditngimuste ja privaatsuspoliitikaga.