Book a dental appointment
Instead of calling, you can book an appointment with the dentist here
Start booking - choose the necessary dental treatment service, dentist and suitable visit time.
What to expect at your first dental visit
People often ask us what they should expect at their first visit to the
dentist. Here is a brief overview.
- Arrive 5–10 minutes early to have plenty of time to fill in the
health declaration and other necessary paperwork before
entering the dentist’s office. - If possible, come alone. Keep your distance and disinfect your
hands when you enter. - If you feel ill, postpone your visit.
- In case you are not able to keep the appointment at the
agreed upon time, give us at least 24 hours’ notice, if possible.
We can then offer the appointment to another patient who
really needs it. - Depending on the procedure, it is advisable to eat before the
visit, since anaesthetic injections can cause mild dizziness and
with some procedures, you might not be allowed to eat for a
couple of hours afterwards. - We always do our best to keep to the schedule but in
exceptional cases, it may take longer than planned to treat
some patients. We ask for your understanding.
Our waiting room is nice and peaceful :-)
Be sure to read the payment information, as payment for services
takes place at the clinic.
Read more about our services here.
Read more about oral health here.