Book a dental appointment
Instead of calling, you can book an appointment with the dentist here
Start booking - choose the necessary dental treatment service, dentist and suitable visit time.
Payment information
- Payments are always made at the clinic, after the service has been provided. Payments can be made in cash or by card. We accept all major payment cards (except American Express). We also offer the option of payment in instalments.
- We do not provide services to debtors who have failed to pay previous bills to Sakala Hambaravi.
- Sakala Hambaravi reserves the right to charge € 50 from people who repeatedly do not show up and do not cancel their bookings as they deprive those in real need of the chance to visit a dentist.
- If you still wish to continue with your dental treatment despite several cancellations, Sakala Hambaravi offers the possibility of drawing up a € 50 invoice, which will give you extra motivation and reassurance that your treatment will be completed.